Wednesday, September 19, 2012

20 Self Esteem Traits

Twenty Five Years ago I did not know I had low self esetem until I read this list and then decided I wanted to have the traits on the high self esteem list. Since them I've worked daily on boosting my self esteem. Check these out and see which ones apply to you.

The Ten Traits of Low Self-Esteem


·        Is unaware of own abilities

·        Is jealous and over-critical

·        Sets unrealistic goals or no goals at all

·        Establishes competitive relationships(bullying)

·        Blames others. Makes others feel guilty

·        Does not express real feelings, wants and needs

·        Cannot set healthy boundaries

·        Is afraid of making mistakes

·        Copies or imitates others

·        Is a negative thinker


The Ten Traits of High Self-Esteem


·        Knows their strengths and weaknesses

·        Feels admiration for successful people

·        Sets professional and personal goals

·        Establishes harmonious relationships (win/win)

·        Takes responsibility for their actions

·        Expresses their wants and needs

·        Knows how to set limits firmly and with care

·        Expresses him/herself creatively

·        Is a positive thinker

  • Develops transformational relationships(coaching/mentors)
Okay...not you've read these, you can check your level of self esteem here:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ten Low and High Traits of Self Esteem

Ten Ingredients Of Low Self-Esteem
  1. Is unaware of own abilities
  2. Is jealous and over-critical
  3. Sets unrealistic goals or no goals at all
  4. Establishes competitive relationships
  5. Blames others/tries to makes others feel guilty
  6. Does not express real feelings, wants and needs
  7. Cannot set healthy boundaries
  8. Is afraid of making mistakes
  9. Copies or imitates others
  10. Is a negative thinker
You feel - UNEMPOWERED and like this...
  1. Keep the peace/Go with the flow
  2. Let others make decisions
  3. No opinions
  4. Don’t feel good
  5. Don’t believe in own abilities
  6. Want to be rescued
Ten Vital Ingredients Of High Self-Esteem
  1. Knows strengths/weaknesses
  2. Admires successful people
  3. Sets professional/personal goals
  4. Establishes win/win relationships
  5. Takes personal responsibility
  6. Expresses themselves
  7. Set limits firmly and with care
  8. Uses assertive communication
  9. Has positive attitude
  10. Develops transformational relationships
You will feel EMPOWERED and like this..
  1. Remember you can only change yourself
  2. Treat others equals/respect
  3. Learn/Up skill Yourself
  4. Goals/Align values/beliefs
  5. Communicate Assertively
  6. Confident/Believe in Yourself

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Achieving goals can be exhausting.

Months and months of hard work resulted in my movie script's application for funding - to take it to the next level. My rewards were: champagne, beautiful flowers and blobbing in front of 2 videos...and it took 2 days to recover my energy....PLUS i didn't get on the computer....all treats I deserved.

Do you treat when you achieve? You should, you deserve. it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

12 January Healthy Checks and Feeling Good

Taking care of health is vital when you are working on feeling good.

My treat today was wear some of my 'best' clothes because I had to get a health check...

What do you do to treat yourself when you've got something 'challenging' to do?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dream creation can be hard work.

Working on creating your dreams can be hard tiring you have to treat yourself.

Today my treat was a choice between chocolate and spirulina. I made a healthy choice and kept to my 2012 goal of losing weight. It made me feel good about myself.

What treat do you give yourself and how do you feel about yourself afterwards?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

09 January 2012 Doing your work in YOUR time.

Achieving the success you want in life means working differently from other people. It's being committed to yourself.

Today my treat has been to enjoy a barbeque outside and chill for a few hours before i got back onto the computer and working on my goals.

How did you treat yourself and make yourself feel good as you boosted your self?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

08 January 2012 - Be Healthy & Feel Great!

When you lose weight and are fit and healthy, you feel much better about yourself and your self esteem takes a boost. Set yourself some health goals.

My treat today was a salad, sprinulina, and the gym, but I hiccup on a chocolate!

How did you boost your self esteem today?

07 January 2012 Letting go Negative, Embrace Positive!

My first vist to Unity NZ today and we did just that.

I looked after myself with some spritiual connections!!

Here's the list of positive we wanted in 2012. Peace. love, compassion, hope, joy, grace, friendship, inspiration, fun, happienss, humour, acceptaance, appreciation, faitfulness, gratitiude, truth, abundance, kindness, serenity, understanding, community, clarity, humilty, forgiveness, wholeness, excitement, passion, enthusiasm, passion, health, generosity, opulance, manifestation, goodness, balance, affirmation, perfect health, integrity, wisdom, authenticiy, respect, faith, courage, trust, stronger faith, equality, equal distribution of god's abundance, enlightened leaders, resolution, consecration, tranformational leadershiop, connectedness, laughter, sensitivity, self-belief, tolerance, honesty, prosperity, communication, consideration, spirit of resfulness, caring, gentelenss, contentent, service, bliss.


Find a way to connect with 'the Universe' God, The Divine or a place in nature and enjoy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

06 January 2012

Caring for yourself means taking time to honour your body.

My treat today - Use my Christmas gift and 'do' my nails. Boost your self esteem everyday by looking after yourself.

What have you done for yourself?

05 January 2012 - Do things you Love!

Time for oneself is vital and doing the things you love.

That proves you really to love yourself and your esteem is 10/10 so you can achieve the success you can create. My treat today - was a family day boating and my first dive off the boat and 2012's first swim.

How did you treat yourself?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thursday 5th January - Honour Yourself Drink Champagne

Having high self esteem is having high regard in yourself. It is respecting yourself, treating yourself and honouring yourself.

Today my treat for myself was to drink champagne. I had lots to celebrates, lots of starts, finishes and stepping up to greatnesss by making decisions to align to my goals and by moving out of my comfort zone

Are you doing things to honour and respect yourself and following your dreams?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Creating yourself to become your Best!

04 January 2011

To create yourself to become your best it's looking at your nutrition AS well as nurturing yourself on the first proper day back at work.

Today's treat to boost my self esteem - spirulina and mars bar!

03 January 2012 Celebrating Yourself

Celebrating yourself, life and feeling good is aobut doing the things you enjoy, being in the moment and cherishing what you enjoy doing in life.

Today my treat was our first barbeque for 2012, listening and dancing to the Eagles music afterwards.

What did you do to reward yourself today?

Monday, January 2, 2012

‎02 January 2012 - Today's best treat I gave myself.

‎02 January 2012

Today's best treat I gave myself.

AFTER finishing writing I donned my gumboots, big jacket, torch and went for a beach walk at The waves sung on the beach shells. The stars glistened and the Christmas lights still hanging on the beach houses, made the beach look like a fairyland. It was beautiful!

Today's Best Self Esteem Treat for Myself

‎01 January 2012 THE FIRST FOR 2012.

I am starting something share ideas for making yourself feel good and look after yourself. Everyday I'll share my best treat for myself for today....I'D LIKE YOU TO SHARE YOURS. Here's my treat for today.

My best treat to look after myself today - Lie in bed until midday. It was New Years Day!